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fis klin

verb: decree

from: fix clean


Daun laik hakom ai don fis klin bilaik oso edei na swich op.
Daun laik hakom ai don fis klin bilaik oso edei na swich op.
that-one like how-come I done fix clean be-like us-all every-day gonna switch up
that be why 1SG PAST decree SAT SUBORD 1PL.INCL way FUT change SAT
That is why I decreed that our ways will change.

Hod op! Fis klin yu diyo!
Hod op! Fis klin yu diyo!
hold up fix clean you deal
stop SAT decree SAT 2SG thing
Hold! State your business!

Chomouda yu na teik disha throudon in idowe? Yu laik Haihefa. Fis klin oyu bakon noumou, nami?
Chomouda yu na teik disha throudon in idowe? Yu laik Haihefa. Fis klin oyu bakon noumou, nami?
? you gonna take this throw-down in anyway you like high-hefter fix clean all-you back-one no-more know-what-I-mean
why 2SG FUT take this challenge SAT anyway 2SG be king decree SAT PL-2SG rule no-other yeah
Why accept this challenge at all? You're King, make your own rules.
