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noun: anyone


Hashta soulou gonplei, bilaik won hedon noumou: du souda wan op deyon!
Hashta soulou gonplei, bilaik won hedon noumou: du souda wan op deyon!
hashtag solo gun-play be-like one head-one no-more ? shoulda wind up day-one
about alone fight be one rule only 3SG must die SAT today
In single combat, there is but one rule: Someone must die today!

Bosh moba, Heda. Deyon oso gid em op gon keryon kom Heda hashta mema in gyonplei kom Leksa kom Trikru.
Bosh moba, Heda. Deyon oso gid em op gon keryon kom Heda hashta mema in gyonplei kom Leksa kom Trikru.
bunch my-bad header day-one us-all ? them up gone carry-on come header hashtag remember in go-on-play come Lexa come Tree-crew
PL apology Commander today 1PL.INCL celebrate 3SG SAT for spirit from Commander about remember SAT ascension of Lexa from Trikru
Apologies, Heda. Today we celebrate the spirit of the Commander by remembering the Ascension of Lexa of Trikru.

Hon in yong deyon, kapa.
Hon in yong deyon, kapa.
hunt in young day-one ?
catch SAT fresh today sir
Fresh caught today, sir.

