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choj op

verb: eat

from: charge up


Hoz op! Zo hon Red-de dan, den zo'n choj op!
Hoz op! Zo hon Red-de dan, den zo'n choj op!
Hurry up! We get the Red, then we eat!

Hofli oyo niron ge choj op kom pakstoka ona yo blinka.
Hofli oyo niron ge choj op kom pakstoka ona yo blinka.
hopefully all-you-all near-one get charge up come pack-stalker on-a you-all blinker
may 2PL.POSS loved-one PASS eat SAT by wolf near 2PL eye
May those you love be eaten by wolves before your eyes.

Ai don ste enti, den ai choj op.
Ai don ste enti, den ai choj op.
I done stay empty then I charge up
1SG PAST be hungry so 1SG eat SAT
I was hungry, so I ate.

