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pronoun: what


Ai laik Indra kom Trigeda. Chit yu gaf?
Ai laik Indra kom Trigeda. Chit yu gaf?
I like Indra come Tree-gather ? you gotta-have
1SG be Indra from Woods-Clan what 2SG want
I am Indra of the Woods Clan. What do you want?

Dula chit du biyo!
Dula chit du biyo!
do-like ? dude be-all
do what 3 say
Do what he says!

Ai don sen in chit bilaik ai gaf sen in.
Ai don sen in chit bilaik ai gaf sen in.
I done send in ? be-like I gotta-have send in
1SG PAST hear SAT what SUBORD I want hear SAT
I've heard what I need to hear.

