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auxiliary: as, like; often used as a subordinator with words like 'fou', 'chit', and 'chon'; can also be used as a figurative copula

from: be-like


Oso souda lok em veida tro op fou bilaik emo hon emo sobwe-de op.
Oso souda lok em veida tro op fou bilaik emo hon emo sobwe-de op.
us-all should-a look them invader patrol up before be-like them-all hunt them-all subway-there up
1PL.INCL must find 3SG enemy patrol SAT before COND 3PL find 3PL subway-EMPH SAT
We must locate the raiding party before they reach the tunnels.

Pas daun, em bilaik--
Pas daun, em bilaik--
pass that-one them be-like
after that-one 3SG COP
After that, it is...

Chon yu bilaik? Hakom yu kamp raun hir?
Chon yu bilaik? Hakom yu kamp raun hir?
which-one you be-like how-come you camp around here
who 2SG be why 2SG be SAT here
Who are you? Why are you here?
