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adjective: some, a few

from: bit-of


Noumou. Yo beda don kep bida ufnes na ron op gon homplei. Ai ge tel op bilaik nou dina kamp raun oso luson.
Noumou. Yo beda don kep bida ufnes na ron op gon homplei. Ai ge tel op bilaik nou dina kamp raun oso luson.
no-more you-all better done kept bit-of oof-ness gonna run up gone hunt-play I get tell up be-like no dinner kamp around us-all ?
enough 2PL should save some energy FUT give SAT toward hunt 1SG PASS tell SAT SUBORD NEG food be.LOC SAT 1PL.INCL host
That's enough. I hope you've saved some energy for the hunt. I'm told our hosts have no food.

Ai na goch yu setnes op. Ron yu op bida riden.
Ai na goch yu setnes op. Ron yu op bida riden.
I gonna gotcha you sit-ness up run you up bit-of ?
1SG FUT take 2SG watch SAT give 2SG SAT some sleep
I'll watch the prisoner. Get some sleep.

Dison fleim au moubeda. Sad noda som op kos yu ste set raun. Gada bilaik em don sis yu op de. Ai na huk yu op kom bida rapon, you.
Dison fleim au moubeda. Sad noda som op kos yu ste set raun. Gada bilaik em don sis yu op de. Ai na huk yu op kom bida rapon, you.
this-one flame out more-better said another something up because you stay set around gather be-like them done assist you up there I gonna hook you up come bit-of wrap-one yo
this be-worth SAT more choose another thing SAT while 2SG PROG stay SAT seem SUBORD 3SG PAST caught 2SG SAT there 1SG FUT get 2SG SAT from some bandage EMPH
This is worth more. Pick out something else while you wait. Looks like she caught you there. I'll throw in some bandages.
