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adjective: loyal

from c. badannes, badan op, etc.


Azgeda nou badan disha gada op nowe.
Azgeda nou badan disha gada op nowe.
ice-gather no bow-down this gatherer up no-way
Azgeda NEG obey this girl SAT never
Azgeda does not answer to this girl.

Den dula yu job op. Badan neson-de op kom we yu don badan ai op, Fleimkepa.
Den dula yu job op. Badan neson-de op kom we yu don badan ai op, Fleimkepa.
then do-like you job up bow-down next-one-the up come way you done bow-down I up Flame-keeper
then do 2SG job SAT serve next-EMPH SAT of way 2SG PAST serve 1SG SAT Flamekeeper
Then do your job. Serve the next as you have served me, Fleimkepa.

No. Osir job bilaik na shil na badan yu op, ai Haihefa.
No. Osir job bilaik na shil na badan yu op, ai Haihefa.
no us-here job be-like gonna shell gonna serve you up I high-hefter
NEG 1PL.EXCL duty be FUT protect FUT serve 2SG SAT 1SG king
No. Our duty is to protect and serve you, my King.

