Canon Dictionary
noun: ingredient, component, raw material
from: add in
adjective: as fuck
from: as fuck
noun: future
from: after-time
adjective: very angry, aggressive
from: aggro
verb: To check out, to scope out, to give the okay to, to approve of
from: eye out
interjection: Oh my god
literally: "my god"
verb: (transitive) check out, scope out, give the okay to, approve of
from: eye up
verb: (intransitive) watch, watch out, stand watch
from: eye around
verb: stare
from: eye trough
verb: look away
from: eye away
adjective: alert, wary
from: unknown
noun: island
from: island
noun: islander
from: island-one
pronoun: mine
from: I-one
noun: tears
from: eye-rain
phrase: alright, right, okay
from: alright
noun: tears
from "eye water"
noun: aunt, or other older female relative
from; auntie
verb: demand
from: ask clean
verb: (transitive) ask
from: ask up
adjective: missing, absent
from: absent
adjective: curious, inquisitive
from: as op + fou
noun: curiosity, inquisitiveness
from: asfou + nes
noun: snow
from c. ash daun
verb: (intransitive) snow
from: ash down
noun: snowflake
from c. ash daun and c. bluma
noun: petitioner, supplicant
from "asker" (credit to fanfic "Grounded" by Andi Marquette)
noun: petition, supplication, boon, request
adjective: beastly, crude, jerkish, rude
from: "asshole" used as an attributive
preposition: out of, through, from; kom _ (kom auda); from out of, away from
from: out-of
adjective: departed, gone
noun: planet
from: outer + houd
noun: outer space
from "outer sky"
noun: outcome, effect, results
from: outcome
noun: shape (generic), outline
from: outline
noun: foreigner
from: outlander
pronoun: myself
from: ai + as
noun: eyesight, sight
from c. ai op and ai raun
adjective: icy, freezing, unpleasantly cold
from: az + as
adjective: freezing, cold
from: ice-ing
proper noun: Ice Nation
from: ice-gather
proper noun: Ice People
from: ice-gather-crew
noun: polar bear (Cf. klodon)
proper noun: Ice Queen
from: ice-planner
conjunction: but
from: but
adjective: loyal
from c. badannes, badan op, etc.
verb: (transitive) swear loyalty to, swear to serve (emphatic)
from: bow-down clean
verb: be loyal to, serve, obey, heed, answer to
from: bow-down up
verb: show humility, abase, kowtow
from: badan op
noun: allegiance, loyalty, service
from: bow-down-ness
adjective: wonderful, intense, fierce, awesome
from: badass
adverb: intensely, fiercely, a lot
from: bad ass
noun: wonder, amazement
from: badas
verb: go to bed
from c. bag
noun: enemy
from: bad-guy
noun: insignia, sigil, crest
from "badge"
verb: change one's mind
from: bak op
verb: refuse
from: back down
verb: go back, get back, stay back, back up, fall back
from: back up
verb: support, uphold
from: bak daun
preposition: behind, at the back of
adj. bringing up the rear
noun: clothes, clothing
from: back-cover
noun: back (body part); pillar, tenet, theme, rule; ally, support person
from: back-one
noun: saddle
from: back straddler
noun: contrarian, one who is impudent
from: back talker
adj: impudent
from: back talking
noun: impudence
from: back talking
adv. unfortunately, sadly, it's a shame that
from: started out as ba; changed to bali on analogy with hofli
noun: spice
from: bam (as said by Chef Emeril Lagasse)
noun: vengeance, revenge
from: Batman
adjective: spicy
from: bam + en
verb: banish; abandon, leave
from: ban out
verb: leave, abandon
from: abandon up
verb: remove, take away
from: ban away
adjective: banished
from: ban-out
noun: blasphemy
from: banner-dragging
noun: ambassador
from: banner-runner
noun: embassy
from: banner-gather
verb: leave, to leave immediately, to get out, to go, to escape, to flee
from: bounce
adjective: sore, bruised, aching
from c. bash op
noun: hammer
from: bash + hammer
noun: betrayal, double-cross
from "back-stab"
verb: betray, double-cross
noun: betrayer, double-crosser
adjective: conniving, crooked, deceitful, disloyal, shady, untrustworthy
noun: betrayal, double-crossing
aux: should, ought to (weak obligation)
from: better
adjective: cherished one, dear, dear one, beloved (term of endearment)
from: bae
noun: good song, catchy song
from: banger
noun: camp, bivouac, outpost
from "base"
adverb: please; used as a plea or supplication
from: beg-you
verb: beg, plead
from: beg-you down
verb: sing
from "belt out"
adjective: naked, nude
from "bare-ass"
aux: should, ought to (weak obligation, but stronger than beda)
from: best
adverb: absolutely, certainly, definitely
adjective: certain, definite
from: bet + fou
adjective: some, a few
from: bit-of
noun: gerbil, hamster, mouse
from "bit of floof"
adjective: perfect
from: beefy
adjective: big, bigger
from: bigger
expression: hail, praise, cheers (to s/o use gon)
from: big ups
noun: ocean, sea (slang)
from: big water
auxiliary: as, like; often used as a subordinator with words like 'fou', 'chit', and 'chon'; can also be used as a figurative copula
from: be-like
noun: goofball, silly person
noun: coffee
from: bean water
noun: beast, animal
from: beast
adjective: animal-like, beastly
noun: paddock, corral, animal enclosure
noun: honey
from: bee sugar
noun: fur
from: beast-cover
adverb: enough; very much
from: big-time
noun: phrase, sentence
from: biyo + on
adjective: bright, brilliant, dazzling, luminous, radiant
from "blinding"
noun: Monday
from: blaken + sun
noun: a black, permanent silhouette where a person was standing during a nuclear blast
from: black mema + -on
noun: sword
from: blade-runner
verb: bleed
from: bleed out
verb: bleed out, die from bleeding
from: blid au
adjective: red
from: bleeding
noun: Friday
from: bliden + sun
noun: decoration, ornament, adornment, frill
noun: kin, family related directly by blood, immediate family
from: blood + on
noun: shield; bodyguard, guard, protector
from: blocker
verb: ignore, put off, blow off
from "blow off"
adjective: surprised
from "blown away"
noun: lung, lungs
from "blowers"
noun: flower, blossom, bloom
from: bloomer
noun: barb, hook
from "barb"
verb: flatter
from "butter up"*
adjective: separate, isolated, isolationist
from: border bound/ban
noun: pants, trousers, leggins
from "bottoms"
noun: Clydesdale, draft horse
from: budwiser (commercial)
noun: basket, bucket, pail, open container
from "bucket" (Cf. ledabokit, medabokit, strobokit)*
adjective: crying, sobbing, weeping
adjective: fine, fancy, stylish
from "bomb-ass"
phrase: the Apocalypse
from:"the bombs"
noun: cry
from: bawling out
adjective: burning
from: burning
noun: carrot
from "bunny food"
noun: chain
from: bondage
noun: bunker
from: bunker
adjective: barbecued
from: barbecued + a
noun: barbecue
from: barbecued + -on
verb: bore, drill
from "bore"
noun: bore, drill (short for boren rench
adjective: good, great, talented, awesome, badass, incredible, amazing (general superlative)
from: boss
verb: break, bust up, destroy
from: bust up
adjective: [denotes plurality]
from: bunch
noun: rock, stone
from: boulder
adjective/noun: white
from: bone color(ed)
noun: Sunday
from: boun(kola) + sun
noun: voice
from speaker brand name "boze"
noun: moose
from: bullwinkle
adjective: brave, courageous, valiant
noun: bravery, courage, valor
adjective: new
from: brand-new
noun: new thing, new one
from: brand-new-one
adjective: (or 'branwada') idiot, fool, moron (i.e. s/o who, after the cataclysm, would drink brown water out of thirst; insult)
from: brown-water
noun: one whom you trust with your life (s/o you allow to get close enough to you to braid your hair; possible equivalents: team member, crew, compatriot)
from: braider
verb: free, release
from: break out
verb: interrupt, interject
verb: to multiply
from: break
adjective: free, set free, released, unrestrained, at liberty
from c. breik au
verb: tan
from brain-tanning
noun: noun: ice cream
from: brain freeze
adjective: smart, wise
from: brilliant
noun: intelligence
from c. briyon
noun: brother
from: brother
noun: battle
from c. brolgeda
noun: battlefield
from: brawl-gather
noun: PTSD, lit. "battle-sickness"
noun: steel
from c. brolgeda and f. ayon
noun: crow
from: brolgeda + sora
adjective: poor
from: broke-ass
adjective/noun: purple
from: bruise color
noun: Thursday
from: bruz + sun
verb: run, (can take a dummy object em)
from: book out
noun: runner, one who runs
from: booker
noun: coward, wimp, wuss, chicken, sissy (insult)
from: bush-hider
noun: vegetation, underbrush
verb: kick out, oust, eject
noun: protestor
from: chanter
noun: dissenter
from: chanter
noun: finals, final, championship, ultimate contest
from: championship
noun: protestor
from: chana + on
noun: dissent
from: chana + on
verb: afford, chance (activity)
from: chance
verb: risk (implies the risk is not worth it)
from: [[chants]] (satellite suppletion)
verb: risk (emphasizes the risk)
from: [[chants]] (satellite suppletion)
verb: risk (emphasizes urgency)
from: [[chants]] (satellite suppletion)
verb: risk (implies the risk is worth it)
from: unknown
verb: look, look at, investigate, check
from: check out
verb: look around
from: check around
noun: sentry, watcher, lookout
from: checker
interjection: exclamation approximately meaning "look!" or "see?"
from "check it (out)"
noun: gaze, look
from chek au
noun: firewood, kindling
from "chair"
noun: sea serpent, sea monster
from: chessie
verb: confide
from: chich op
verb: talk to, converse with, chat with, speak with
from: chit-chat up
noun: speaker [of a language]
from: chit-chatter
noun: talking, speech, conversation
from: chit-chat-ness
noun: talk, talking
from: chit-chat-play
adjective: calm
from: chill
verb: calm
from: chill out
verb: stand down
from: chill down
expression: to make a long story short, essentially, basically, tl;dr
from: tl;dr
noun: peace
from: chill-ness
noun: beard
from: chin-cover
verb: cheat, rip off
from: unknown
pronoun: each other
from: each other
phrase: thank you, thanks
adjective: thankful, grateful
from: chof + fou
verb: eat
from: charge up
verb: throw, toss
from: chuck out
verb: vomit
from: chuck up
adverb: why
from: what's-your-motive
pronoun: who; [with pronoun] which
from: which-one
noun: tooth, teeth
from: chopper OR chomper
adjective: toothy
from c. chopa
interjection: wtf, excuse me
noun: neck
from "chokepoint" (pun intended)
verb: to sneeze
from: achoo
verb: to destroy (spec. to break into bits and pieces)
from: chew
noun: great axe, lochaber axe, pole axe, bardiche, sparth
from "dire (toma)hawk"
noun: grizzly bear
from "dire" and f. klodon
noun: great worm
from "dire" and c. mokskwoma
noun: a slow thing
from: dial-up
preposition: down
from: down
pronoun: that one (near)
from: that-one
satellite: a verbal satellite
from: down
adjective: sad, upset
from: daun
pronoun: that one (far), that one over yonder
from: that-one-there
noun: descent (from an ancestor)
from c. slip daun
noun: sadness, sorrow
from: daun + nes
noun: descendant, inheritor, scion
noun: execution, euthanasia
from: daun + put + en
noun: rest, relaxation
from "downtime"
adverb: that way, like that (medial)
from: that way
auxiliary: an emphatic particle with limited uses; attaches to a noun to indicate a specific instance of that noun
from: the
adjective: tired
from: dead
noun: exhaustion, tiredness
adverb: definitely
from: definitely
adverb: definitively, absolutely (definitive)
from: definitely
adjective: that (near)
from: there
adjective: that (far); "de" acts like a verbal satellite
from: there-the
noun: sun
from: day-maker
noun: lion
from: day stalker
noun: hoiw much one can walk in a day (about twenty miles)
from: daytripper
adverb: then, at that time; so, because of that
from: then
noun: salvation, redemption
from: redemption
adverb: there (near)
from: there
noun: river serpent
from "devil-jack diamond"
pronoun: whatever
adj. whatever
noun: mistake, misstep, stupid thing to do
from: dare
noun: destination, rally point
from "are we there yet?"
noun: weekend, a day of the weekend
from: day off
noun: today
from: day-one
verb: find out, discover
from: dig out
verb: to enjoy, to like
from: dig in
auxiliary: placed at the front of a question as negation
from: didn't
noun: this way
from: this-way
adjective: this
from: this
pronoun: this one
from: this-one
adjective: cruel, sadistic
from: sadistic
noun: thing, affair, act, event, business (generic)
from: deal
verb: bet, wager; risk
from: double
verb: (transitive) double back on
from: double up
noun: twin
from: doba + on
noun: ghost
from: dark watcher
adjective: aloof, curt, laconic, standoffish, taciturn
from Agent Dolls of Wynonna Earp "doleful"
noun: the Ancients, people from before the Apocalypse
from "dumb fuckers"
auxiliary: (perfect/past tense marker) have, did
from: done
adjective/noun: grey, gray
from: dust color
noun: (quick/temporary) fix, repair
from: duct tape
verb: fix, repair (quick/temporary)
from: duct tape
noun: helper (informal)
from: duct tape
noun: door, gate, entrance, entryway
from: door
adjective: cute
from: dorbs/adorable
adjective: good, great, awesome
from: dope
verb: delay
from: drag down
verb: disrespect
from: drag clean
verb: fall behind
from: drag around
verb: remove from the area
adjective: heavy
from: draggin'
verb: bleed
from: drain out
verb: drink
from: drain down
adjective: drinking
from drein daun
verb: to play in a drum circle
from: drum
verb: to play a drum specifically
from: drum
noun: drummer
from: drummer
verb: lose, misplace; (pass.) lost
from: drop off
adjective: for sale, being sold
from: dropping
noun: dead, fallen one (figurative)
from: drop + on
pronoun: (third person general) someone; also: third person pejorative, used in insults and when speaking derogatorily or sarcastically
from: dude
phrase: idiomatic expression comparable to "all hell's breaking loose"
from "someone pushed the button"
verb: treat, tend, nurse, care for
v. take care of, deal with
noun: treatment, care, nursing
adjective: caring, gentle, tender
adv. gently, tenderly
noun: duty, job
from: do-like
phrase: mercy-kill, deliver a coup de grace, "put out of their misery"
verb: do
from: do-like up
verb: get rid of someone or something
from: do away
adjective: dutiful, reliable
from dula etc.
adjective: honest
from: do-like-say
noun: work, material, stuff, activity (various, but generally refers to s/t that is done or has been done or is to be done)
from: doing
contraction: em + na
from: em na
noun: way, custom
from: everyday
adjective: traditional
from edei
noun: hen (female chicken)
from: egg layer
noun: loss (in the abstract sense)
from: ache + en
noun: loss, one who is lost, lost one
from: ache + en
noun: anchor
from: anchor
phrase: not a thing, doesn't matter
from: ain't a thing
noun: cliff
from: edge + on
adjective: incredible, storied, epic, heroic
from "extra" in the internet slang sense
pronoun: (third person singular) it, he, she
from: them
expression: it’s like, I don’t know, uh, maybe (a disfluency that’s used when conjecturing)
from: em bilaik
pronoun: himself, herself, itself, themself (singular)
from: em + as
noun: augury, fortune, prophecy about a person's fate
from "MB (Myers-Briggs) type"
pronoun: (third person plural) they, them
from: them all
pronoun: his, hers, its, theirs (third person singular or plural possessive pronoun)
from: emo won/em won
conjunction: and
from: and
noun: everyone
from: everyone
phrase: (contraction of "em ste") it's, it is
from: them-stay
phrase: (interrogative) well?, and so?
from: and-so
noun: everyone else
from: everyone-else
noun: anything
from: anything
adjective: hungry
from: empty
determiner: every, each
from: every
adjective: over-the-top, trying too hard
from: extra
noun: everything
from: everything
adverb: finally
from: finally
verb: discuss, debate
from "fight me"
adjective: sexy
from: fine-ass
adjective: arrogant, condescending, patronizing, snobbish, snooty, superior
from "fancy-ass"
verb: (intransitive) masturbate
from: fap out
verb: (transitive) get off, masturbate
from: fap off
verb: tie down, secure
from: fasten
verb: attach, fasten
from: fasten
noun: excuse
from: factor
noun: bullet (Cf. trigon)
from trig op, trigplei, and fayogon
noun: fireworks, firecracker
from faya + bluma
adjective: hot, heated, toasty
from: faya + fou
noun: bomb, explosion
from "firecracker"
noun: papercut
from: "fire-slice"
noun: gun, firearm
from: fire-gun
noun: arrow
from "feather"
noun: light (in terms of weight)
from: feather-light
noun: trick, ploy, bluff
from: fake out
noun: kiss
from a series of tumblr posts
noun: wolfsbane, poison
from: face-boner
noun: mask
from: face breaker
adjective: pretty, good looking, beautiful (diminutive)
from: feis -en
noun: dimple
from: fake + crack
noun: likeness, portrait
from: faceness
noun: tiger
from: face-ripper
noun: inheritance
from "effects"
noun: guitar
from: fender
noun: forever
from: forever
verb: find (something), discover (something), figure (something) out; read
from: figure out
verb: think (can be followed by a subordinate clause headed by bilaik)
from: figure
verb: think (about), ponder
from: figure around
adjective: healthy
from: figure
noun: idea, notion
from: fig + on
noun: story, tale
from: fiction
noun: storyteller
from: fik + a
noun: storytelling
from: fik + plei
verb: accuse
from: finger out
verb: go around blaming everyone, be paranoid
from: finger around
noun: one who has been accused
from: fingered-one
noun: length of a finger (measurement)
from: finga + span
noun: shark
from: fin runner
verb: be afraid of (something), fear (something)
from: fear in
verb: be afraid, fear
from: fear around
adjective: scared, frightened
from "fearful"
verb: decree
from: fix clean
verb: heal, cure
from: fix up
adjective: healing, medical
noun: cure, remedy, medical treatment
verb: fish
from: fish around
noun: first aid kit, medkit, healer's kit
noun: the craft or practice of healing
from fisa etc.
phrase: sorry, condolences
from: feel-ya
verb: empathize with, sympathize with; (expr.) sorry, I'm sorry, I sympathize, that sucks (when speaker is not responsible)
from: feel ya
verb: ouch (in a bad way), molest, lay hands on, touch with ill intent (including violence)
from: feel ya
adjective: compassionate
from "feel-ful"
noun: compassion
from: feel-ya-ness
verb: (transitive) signal
from: flag down
verb: (intrans.) signal
from: flag around
noun: butterfly
from: unknown
noun: torch
from "flashlight"
noun: dream
from: flashback
adjective: helpless, ineffectual
from "flailing"
verb: burn; be worth (to)
from: flame out
verb: burn completely, burn to the ground
from: flame down
verb: cause to despise, cause to hate intensely
from: flame clean
verb: cause to hate, cause to anger
from: flame up
adjective: valuable
from: flaming
noun: scribe, attendant
from: flame-keeper
noun: flame kit, used by the Flamekeeper to release the Commander's spirit when the current Commander dies
from: flame-kit-one
noun: brand
from: flame-sticker
noun: salt
from c. fleiva op
verb: salt (as meat)
from: flavor up
noun: bragger, braggart
from: fles + a
noun: human; humanity, human race
from: flesh and blood
noun: muscle
from: fles + on
noun: mirror
from: reflector
noun: candle
from: flicker
adjective: romantic
from: flickers
noun: candlelight
from: flikas
noun: eyebrow
from: fleek + on
noun: romance
from: flikas
verb: inslutingly dismiss
from: bye Felicia
verb: banish, cast out in an insulting manner
from: bye Felicia
verb: shoo, dismiss, get rid of
from: bye Felicia
verb: destroy, massacre
from: flush clean
verb: flow, float; go by boat, sail
from: flow/float
verb: flow
from: flow through
adjective: light
from: floating
noun: boat
from: float-one
proper noun: a name for the hypothetical Boat People; also, Floudon Kru
from: flow-crew
noun: raw wool, wool still on the sheep
adj. woolen
noun: sheep
from "warmth-giver" or "wool-giver"
adjective: warm and soft, cozy
adjective: best, exceptional, outstanding; adverb: excellently, exceptionally; interjection: terrific, amazing, awesome
from: for the win
verb: to screw up, to make a mistake
noun: a person who is unreliable, clumsy, or accident-prone
adjective: erroneous, mistaken, wrong
noun: armor
from: go full kit
adjective: armored, fortified
noun: mistake, error, screwup
verb: mess around, waste time, play, goof off (doing s/t, use gon)
from: fuckin around
noun: mistake
from: faux-pas
adjective: boastful, conceited, self-satisfied, vainglorious
from "full of shit"
adverb: happily, gladly
from: for-sure
noun: scout
from: first-?-er
adjective: first
from: first-time
noun: autumn, fall (season)
from: fall-time
noun: wickedness
from: ?-ness
noun: jellyfish
from "evil bag"
noun: bad one
from: ?-one
conjunction: (subordinating) before
from: before
verb: lay
from: fall down
verb: conform, join a consensus, fall in line
from "fall in"
noun: force, group, squad, army
from: force
noun: forward, front side
adjective: earnest, sincere
from fousen*
adjective: legitimate, real, bona-fide
interjection: for real, totally, word
from: for certain
adjective: authorized, official*
noun: legitimacy, validity, genuineness
noun: past
from: before-time
noun: precaution, forethought
from: before vote one
verb: finish off an opponent, deliver the killing blow
noun: murderer
from: frag-er
noun: hunting ground
from: frag + geda
proper noun: Commander killer, one who kills commanders
from: frag-header
noun: kill
from: frag-one
noun: tattoo denoting a kill
from: frag + stika
verb: cook, fry (specifically)
from: fry up
noun: one born with a visible physical defect as a result of radiation poisoning
from: freak-drain-er
noun: fact
from: for real
noun: cold
from: freeze-ness
verb: focus, pay attention
from: front and center
adjective: thorough, complete, comprehensive
from: full + geda
adjective: pregnant
from: full-up
noun: five miles (the distance required to cause Dani’s feet blister)
from: foot blister
noun: farmer
from: food tender
noun: socks, stockings
from fut
noun: toe cleavage
from: foot crack
noun: stirrup
from "footrest"
noun: scorpion
from: foot stinger
noun: baby, infant
from: future
noun: fury, wrath
adv. wrathfully, with righteous fury
noun: North Star, Polaris
from: Gabriela Dominguez
verb: guide, navigate (implication is that one would be guided safely and surely to their destination)
from: Gabriela Dominguez
verb: have, own
from: gather in
verb: gather
from: gather up
verb: gather in a group, assemble, congregate
noun: vagina
from: ?-gapper
verb: need, seek, want
from: gotta-have in
noun: need
from: gotta-have-ing
adjective: (colloquial) thirsty, horny
from: gotta-have-ing
adjective: necessary, needed, wanted, desired, required
from c. gaf in
adjective: gagged, gagging
from: gag + en
noun: person or persons who have (temporarily) joined a group or person
hanger-on, assemblage, company, coterie, ensemble, entourage
noun: pit; horse
from: gapper; galloper
noun: horseshoe
from: gapa + stepper
verb: gouge, scoop
from "gouge"
noun: scoop (short for gaujen rench
auxiliary: (passive auxiliary)
from: get
phrase: to be fated, cursed, destined, doomed, hexed
noun: post (military), place; (as part of a compound) gathering
from: together
noun: unity
from: togetherness
verb: cheer up, gladden, make happy
adjective: very happy, joyful, thrilled
noun: coup, plot
from: game-breaker
noun: happiness, gladness
verb: worry, concern oneself
from: get down
verb: be certain, know surely
from: get clean
verb: atone
from: get around
verb: endure, reach the other side of
noun: surprise
from: get them one
noun: information, knowledge, intelligence, data
noun: knowledge, lore
from get in etc.
noun: oracle
from: "get in" know, and "zodon" fate
noun: happy one, glad one
verb: celebrate, commemorate, memorialize (s/t use gon; can take em as a dummy object, but doesn't take any other object in between gid and op)
from: give it up/get 'em up
noun: party, celabration
from: gid + geda
verb: care
from: give-a-fuck in
interjection: get out
from the internet acronym GTFO
noun: box, container
from: gift trapper
noun: treaty
from: give-and-take
noun: conference, negotiation, summit, talks
noun: machine shop
from: gear + geda
verb: give (up), esp. oneself
from: give up
noun: sacrifice
from: give-ness
noun: hug, snug, embrace
from "glomp"
verb: (transitive) join (with)
from: go-along up
verb: (intransitive) join
from: go-along around
noun: turkey
from "gobbler"
verb: avenge
from: gotcha clean
verb: escort, guard
from: gotcha up
verb: support, back, side with, stand with
noun: support, backing
from "I got you"
adjective: distracted, inattentive, preoccupied
from "(your) guard's down"
adjective: annoying, irritating
from: gougen + as
preposition: against, on, to, at, for, towards, because of, upon; very common and context-dependent
from: gone
phrase: exploding, exploded
verb: (transitive) fight
from: gun down
preposition: until, before
from "until"
verb: (transitive) fight something or someone
from: gun up
verb: (intransitive) fight
from: gun around
verb: leave, go away
from: gone away
noun: warrior
from: gunner
noun: warrior, soldier, co-worker
from: gunner
noun: army, group of warriors
from: gunner-crew
noun: English; lit. "warrior-language"
from: gunner-slang
noun: fighting
from: gunning
noun: armory, arsenal, weapons locker
from gon and -geda
verb: leave
from: gone out/going out
verb: leave, go away (urgently)
from: gone-out around
noun: fight
from: gunplay
noun: horn, antler
from "gore-er"
adjective: horned, antlered
noun: helper, volunteer, assistant
from: got a sec
noun: belly, stomach
(Floukru) n. hold, cargo bay (of a ship or boat)
verb: gut, disembowel
v. cut up, trim, and remove the skin, feathers, viscera, etc., from an animal for market or for cooking
noun: time, iteration
from: go
verb: happen, occur
from: go down
verb: rant, bloviate, bluster, declaim, harangue, perorate, rage, rail, carry on
from "go off"
verb: observe, comply with
from: go-by in
verb: group by [number]; treat, consider, regard
from: go-by around
noun: child
from: go-forth
noun: childhood
from c. goufa
adjective: childish, immature
noun: one who is persistent, a go-getter
from: go-getter
noun: a feeling of annoyance or irritation
from: here we go again
adjective: annoying, irritating
noun: bad habit, a disreputable or vulgar pattern of behavior
from: unknown
noun: passage
from: go-through
verb: pass, pass through
from: go through
verb: commit suicide; literally, pass finally or pass suffering
from: go-through clean
verb: explain
from: go-over clean
adjective:desirable, wanted
from "goals"
verb: clamp, hold with tongs or forceps
noun: clamp, forceps, tongs (short for graben rench
verb: practice, train
from "grind out" in the video game sense (cf. c. granplei)
verb: labor, toil, work very hard
noun: training, practice
from: grand-play
noun: stomach, belly
from: growler
noun: earth, ground, dirt
from: ground
noun: gorilla
from: ground pounder (also pauna)
noun: flightless bird
from: ground-pecker
noun: plow
from "ground-runner" as a play on c. bleirona ("swords into plowshares")
noun: thunder, thunderclap
from: ground shaker
adjective: thunderous
from: graunsheika + en
adjective: pregnant
from: get-ready
noun: birth control, contraceptive
adjective: fertile
from c. gredi
noun: brain
from "gray matter"
adjective: jealous, envious
from: green
verb: cook, grill (specifically)
from: grill
noun: jealously, envy
from: gri + nes
noun: weapon hilt
from "grip"
noun: extreme jealousy or envy
from: green + nes
adjective: attractive, hot, sexy
from: grown/growin'
verb: grow
from: grown/growin'
adjective: worthy, deserving, laudable
from "good enough"
noun: joke
from "good one"
idiom: look it up yourself
from: google it
adverb: luckily, fortunately
from "(it's a) good thing"
verb: go
from: get-on out
verb: pass on
from: get-on clean
verb: get up, rise
from: get-on up
noun: funeral pyre
from c. gyon & c. faya
noun: ascension, Ascension
from: go-on play
verb: hide, conceal (oneself)
from bushada
adjective: hidden, hiding (oneself)
noun: hideout, den, sniper hide, vantage point
adjective: half, half of (followed by a noun that takes -de)
from: half of (the)
adjective: stupid, dumb, foolish
from "are you high?"
adjective: really, truly, very, brazenly, obviously, ostentatiously
from: highkey
noun: prince
from: high-number-four
noun: princess
from: high-number-three
noun: coronotion, enthroning
from c. haisidon
noun: throne
from: high-sit-one
noun: noon
from: hai +sun
noun: kingdom (specifically a territory of a monarchical governmental system)
from: hai + tof
adjective: flooded
from: high water
verb: to cough
from: hack
verb: to throw up, to vomit
from: hack
verb: craft, create
from c. haka
adjective: sickly, feeble; inferior, poor quality, shoddy
from: hacking/hacked
adjective: sick, ill
from: hacking
noun: illness, sickness
from: haken + nes
adverb: why
from: how-come
noun: tool, implement, instrument
from: hammer
verb: give an inheritance (ge han daun, "inherit")
subordinating conjunction: how to
from: ha + na
noun: job, task; favor
from: handout
adverb: how much
from: how-much
noun: visit
from "hang out"
verb: visit
from: hang out
noun: handmaiden
from: hand-?
noun: visitor
from: hang au + on
phrase: how many
from: how-many
phrase: happy birthday
from: happy-birthday
preposition: regarding, about
from: hashtag
noun: snowstorm, blizzard
from "howler"
noun: god, goddess
from: high-one
adjective: elevated, tall ,high (said mostly of physical locations)
from: high up
noun: danger, hazard, threat
from: hazard
verb: grieve, mourn, sorrow (for s/o or s/t, use the direct object slot)
from: head down
verb: rule, lead
from: head up
noun: leader, commander, chief
from: header
noun: command; rule, law
from: head-one
noun: command, rule
from: head-play
noun: a guilty person
from: head-sweater
adjective: guilty
from: head-sweating
adjective: disoriented, dizzy, faint
from "head swimming"
noun: cult
from: head swisher
adjective: cultish
from: hedswisha + en
verb: wield
from: heft up
phrase: hello, hi
from: hey
none: exhale
from: inHALE/exHALE
verb: to inhale
from: inHALE/exHALE
verb: to breathe
from: inHALE/exHALE
noun: prayer
from: Hail-Mary
interjection: hell yeah, right on
from "hell" and c. sha
verb: volunteer
from "help out"
adjective: dangerous, hazardous, perilous
adv. dangerously, hazardously, perilously
phrase: danger, hazard, peril
phrase: hello, hi
from: hey
phrase: greeting to more than one person
from hei + yo
verb: watch out for, watch the back of
from: ? up
verb: marry, wed
ge hich op get married
noun: snake
from: unknown
verb: mind, tend to
from: hold down
verb: to secure
from: hold down
verb: (transitive) stop, keep away
from: hold clean
verb: wait, stop
from: hold up
adjective: motionless, still
from "holding"
noun: position
from: hold-gather
noun: love
from: holdness
noun: delay
from: hold-one
adverb: may [something happen], hopefully, I hope
from: hopefully
noun: axe, hatchet
from "(toma)hawk"
verb: speak (up)
from: holler out
verb: shout, yell
from "holler"
noun: singer
from: hummer
adjective: messy, chaotic, disordered, disorganized
from "hot mess"
noun: hunt
from: hunt-play
verb: take, capture
from: hunt down
verb: get, acquire
from: hunt in
noun: bee
from: honey bee
noun: beehive
from: beehive
noun: prisoner, captive
from: hunt-one
noun: hunter
from: hunter
verb: go (quickly)
from: hustle off
verb: hurry (up)
from: hustle up
verb: hurry
from: hustle around
noun: bridle, headstall, hackamore
from "horse-tiara"
noun: rider
from: horse-er
adjective: bustling, busy
from c. hos op etc.
adjective: quiet
from: hush
verb: put or lull, esp. to sleep
from: hush down
noun: vehicle
from: hosa + en
noun: scabbard, sheath, quiver, weapon sling or carrier
from "holster"
verb: sheath, holster, put (weapon) away
noun: farrier, horse doctor, horse veterinarian
from: horse whisperer
adjective: armed
from: hot
noun: home, house
from: home
noun: world
from: whole-world
noun: hoarder, hogger, a greedy or selfish person
from "hoarder"
adjective: hogging, hoarding
adjective: greedy, selfish
noun: environment
from: houd + nes
adjective: whole, entire
from: whole ass
adjective: familiar, known
from: home
adjective: at home
from: home-ing
noun: wife, husband, spouse
from: home-one
noun: rainbow
from: hope-gather
noun: flood, torrent
from "hosing"
verb: add, throw in, give
from: hook up
verb: piece, thread, sew
from: huk op
noun: alliance
from: hook-up
verb: to sing in concert, to sing as a choir
from: hum
noun: spider
from: (eight) tiny hands
proper noun: Eden
from: Eden
adverb: anyway, regardless
adjective: risky
from: iffy
verb: manage to, barely be able to, eke out (used with a verbal noun as an object, or connected by na)
from: eke
satellite: a verbal satellite commonly used with abstract verbs
from: in
noun: back spoon, "big spoon"
from: in-spooner
subordinating conjunction: even though, though, despite, despite the fact that
from: even though
phrase: im into you
from: unknown
noun: plain
from: even ground
adjective: east
from: eastward
adjective: useless
from: easy
verb: take, steal
from: jack up
noun: thief
from: jack-er
noun: spear
from: javelin
noun: June
from: Gemini + Moon
noun: jimson weed
from: jimson weed + dauna
adjective: cruel
from: Joffrey
noun: cruelty
from: jofri + nes
phrase: (expletive) fuck
from: jerk
verb: rip out, extract, yank
from: jerk out
verb: fuck
from: jerk off
noun: fucker
from: jerker
adjective: fucking
from: jerking
verb: fight, join a fight
from: jump in
verb: attack
from: jump up
adverb: just, only
from: just
noun: punishment, consequences
from: justice
adverb: just then, at that time
noun: bloodshed
from: juice-draining
noun: feeling of aliveness and adrenaline after battle
from Heda's Warrior by Alexis Payton
noun: leech
from: jus + clampa
adjective: what kind of, kind of, kind, type
from: kind of
noun: mercy
from "kindness"
verb: keep down
from: camp down
verb: stay near, be near, go to; a locative-state verb with more permanence than "ste"
from: camp around
noun: slave, servant
from: camper
noun: edible fruit, berry, root, or vegetable
from: can
verb: to preserve (especially food)
from: can
noun: someone who makes food for storage (salted meats, dried fruits, etc.)
from: canner
noun: preserved food, dried fruit, salted meat
from: kan + on
verb: exile, banish
from: cancel/canceled
adjective: banished, exiled
from: cancel/canceled
noun: pantry (place where food is stored)
from: can + pantry
noun: July
from: Cancer + moon
noun: city; sir
from: capital; captain
noun: January
from: Capricorn + moon
noun: tomato
from: ketchup + kan
adjective: careful
from: careful
phrase: okay, very well
from: okay
noun: ribcage
from: cager
noun: organ (bodily)
from: caged one
noun: rib
from: keija + on
verb: keep out, remain or cause to remain outside or out of
verb: save
from: keep clean
verb: keep up, maintain an activity or condition, keep pace with
verb: keep away, deny or prevent from coming close
noun: hostage
from: keep-one
noun: salvation
from: keep-play
noun: soul, spirit
from: carry-on
adjective: soulmated
from The White Queen Running by K. L. Morgan
noun: an impervious substance like adamantium or mithril
from: kevlar
verb: tell jokes, be funny, fool around
from: kid around
adjective: joking
from: kid raun + en
verb: continue
from: keep-going
verb: live
from: kick around
verb: survive
from: kick through
noun: survivor
from: kick-er
adjective: full of life, spunky
from kick raun etc.
noun: the living, one who is living
from: kick-one
noun: life
from: kik thru + plei
noun: kidney
from: kidney
noun: bone
from: clack-er
verb: climb
from "climb up"
verb: take back, reclaim, take hold of
from: claim/reclaim
noun: blacksmith, metalworker
from: clanker
adjective: metallic
from: from: clanking
noun: 1 kilometer, 1 mile (informally)
from: klick
proper noun: bringer of the Key
from: clicker-leader
noun: a terrible shot
from: mis klin
adjective: clean
from: clean
satellite: a verbal satellite indicating finality
from: clean
noun: river
from: clean-runner
adjective: safe
from: clear
verb: (transitive) let go of
from: clear off
phrase: set for life
from: clear sky, clean water
noun: safety
from: clear-ness
noun: valley, clearing; opening (as in combat)
from: clearing/ klir + on
noun: bear
from: clawed one
verb: come out
from: closet out
adjective: in denial
from: kloz in + en
noun: denial
from: kloz in + nes
verb: share
from: "cut in on"
noun: cow
from: cud-chewer
noun: cut; share
from: cut-one
verb: (transitive) pay something, trade something
from: cough up
verb: (intransitive) pay, trade
from: cough around
noun: trader
from kof op, kofgeda, etc.
noun: trading post
from: cough-gather
noun: trade
from: cough-one
adjective: crazy
from: kooky
verb: challenge
from: call out
verb: invoke
from "call down"
verb: summon
from "call in"
verb: mobilize, summon warriors to duty
from "call up"
verb: call away, ask someone to come away from some place or from doing something
from "call away"
preposition: from, of, with; until
from: come
verb: become, be, happen
from: come out
verb: return
from: come down
adverb: ago
from: come gone
adverb: honorably
from: karma
verb: get off of, leave alone
from: come off
verb: come, arrive
from: come up
adverb: (as subordinator) until
from: come time
verb: be communicated or displayed
adverb: as, in the way that
from: come way
verb: honor, give honor (to)
verb: descend
from: komba raun
verb: ascend
from: komba raun
verb: come, approach
from: come-back around
expression: no matter what, no matter the cost, no matter the risk
from: come Hell or high water
adjective: comfortable, pleasant
from "comfy"
noun: ancestor
from: come before one
noun: grandparent
from: come-before-one
noun: grandfather
from: come-before-one
noun: grandmother
from: come-before-one
phrase: come what may, whatever happens
from: kom and the -o affix
expression: for now, for the moment, at the moment, for the time being
from: kom + I don't know
noun: birthday
from: come around
verb: confess, admit
from: come clean
verb: summon
from: come-get
noun: coalition, alliance
from: come-gather
noun: outh, teen, teenager, young person, young adult (no longer a child)
from: coming up
adjective: irrelevant, yesterday's news, old news
from: Kanye
conjunction: because, for
from: because
verb: be replaced or denied a place
verb: undermine
from: cut down
verb: ostracize, disown, disinherit
verb: take off, remove
from: cut off
verb: cut through
from: cut
noun: law, code, statute
from: code
verb: cover, cover up, bury
from: cover-up
verb: wear, dress, clothe
from "cover"
adjective: covering, covered
noun: scandal, controversy
from: cover up
noun: cousin
from: cousin/cuz
noun: theater, performance art, acting, performing
from "cosplay"
adjective: incredibly early, too early
from: ass-crack
noun: wave (of the ocean)
from: crasher
noun: Tuesday
from: krasha + sun
adverb: so, very
from: crazy OR cray
adjective: old
from: creaking
noun: sound
from: creaking
noun: taboo, contraband
from: cringe
adjective: awkward, uncomfortable, cringeworthy
from: cringey/cringeworthy
noun: demon
from: creeper
noun: crime
from: creep-one
noun: apple
from: crisper
noun: cockroach
from: cruncher
noun: a people, group of people
from: crew
noun: the "Kru life", lifestyle of a Grounder
from: crew-ness
noun: delegate, clan delegate, representative
from: kru + sad + a
adjective: cool, okay, fine
from: cool
adjective: weak
from: quailing
noun: weakness
from: quailness
adjective: fluttering, quivering, shaking, shivering, vibrating
from "quivering"
auxiliary: (iterative/durative) keep, continue [doing something]
from: keep-on
verb: endure, brave, take it, withstand
from kyongedon
noun: Grounders, the Grounder people
from kyongedon
proper noun: Grounder
from: keep-on-get-one
noun: torch
from: lighter
adjective: too slow, annoyingly slow
from lagen
adverb: slowly
from: lagging
adjective: late, tardy
from: lagen + taim
noun: a feeling combining happiness, energy and enthusiasm
from "life" in the internet slang sense
adjective: enthusiastic, genki
noun: motorcycle
from: land + chopper
noun: border, boundary
from "line-place"
noun: usage, form, method, process
adjective: last
from: last
adverb: last night, the previous night
from: las + nat
verb: set on fire, burn
from "light up"
adjective: on fire, burning
adjective: fiery, flaming
verb: sound, as a horn; usu. preceded by "teik"
from: loud
adjective: painful
from c. laudnes
noun: pain; loudness
from: loudness
verb: display, put on display
from "laid out"
verb: cremate
from led op etc.
verb: (transitive) wound, injure someone or something
from: laid up
verb: (intransitive) wound, injure; go around causing wounds or injuries
from: laid around
noun: flesh, hide; leaf
from: leather
noun: leathercrafter, harness-maker, saddler
from c. leda and c. haka
noun: leather bucket or container
from "leather bucket"*
noun: wound, injury
from: laid-one
noun: widow, widower
from "one left behind"
phrase: goodbye, bye
from: later
phrase: goodbye, bye
from: later
verb: set in formation, put in formation, set out, put out (various)
from: laying/lain
verb: to set in formation, to put in formation, to set out, to put out (various)
from: laying/lain
none: to organize, to sort, to put in order
from: laying/lain
noun: aurora borealis, northern lights
from: lazer show
noun: book (general)
from: ledger
noun: belonging, possession
from: ?-one
noun: left
from: left side
noun: left flank
from swap op
verb: empty (a container)
from: let out
verb: disappoint, fail (someone)
verb: curtail, diminish, lessen, reduce
verb: authorize, grant, license, permit
noun: October
from: Libra + moon
adjective: funny
from: hilarious
verb: bring
from: lead in
verb: be first to act, initiate a group activity
verb: take or lead a force to or against an objective
from c lid in
verb: raise, pick up
from: lift
noun: giraffe
from: leaf-fetcher
noun: tea
from: leaf water
verb: connect
from "link up"
verb: leap, jump, hop
from trilipa
noun: mustache
from: lip cover
phrase: at least
from: least
adjective: excited
from: lit
adverb: a little while, a short amount of time, a bit; kom _ (kom liwa) (prep.) {00} for a little while
from: little while
noun/adjective/adverb: a short distance
from: long way
noun: August
from: Leo moon
adjective: [denotes plurality]
from: lot-of
noun: shoulder
from: lugger
verb: cage, lock up
from: lock down
verb: locate, find
from: look up
verb: die laughing, be unable to stop laughing
verb: laugh mockingly, laugh at someone's expense
adjective: funny, hilarious
noun: laughter, hilarity, hilariousness
verb: warn
from: alarm up
noun: warning
from c. lom op
noun: afternoon
from: long + sun
adverb: eventually, after a while
adjective: confused
from: lost
adjective: lucky
from: lucked-out
preposition: below, beneath
noun: falsehood; weight
from: load
adjective: wealthy
from: unknown
adjective: somewhat, kind of, sort of
from: lowkey
adverb: quietly, unobtrusively, stealthily
from tumblr slang "lowkey"
noun: morning hours (between sunrise and noon)
from: low + sun
adjective: shallow
from: low + water
noun/adjective/adverb: a long distance
from: long way
verb: fortify, build fortifications
from: lawyer up
verb: look for, search for
from: look-for out
noun: friend
from: look-out
adjective: friendly
from c. lukot
verb: [transitive] untie (someone)
from: loose out
noun: bludgeon, club, baton, bat
from: Lucille
verb: follow
from: come-after up
expression: accompanies polite or official requests (clause-initial)
from: mind if
noun: penis
from: man-meat
verb: aim, intend
from: mean-to
noun: timing
from: manner-play
noun: spoils
from: mandate
adjective: in love, enthralled, enchanted, horny (sincerity depends on context)
from: manic
verb: to survey, to map out, to measure the area of
from: map
verb: to plan, to strategize
from: map
verb: combine, bring together, mix
noun: poultice
from: mash+ press + on
noun: mountain
from: mountain
verb: mount up
from: mount up
proper noun: Mount Weather
from: mountain-the
noun: the name for a hypothetical Mountain Nation
from: mountain-gather
noun: the name for the hypothetical Mountain People
from: mountain-gather-crew
noun: the name for the hypothetical Mountain People
from: mountain-crew
proper noun: Mountain Man, Mountain Men
from: mountain-one
noun: pilot
from: Maverick
noun: augur, oracle, soothsayer
from "Meyers-Briggs"
verb: soothsay, cast an augury
adverb: maybe
from: maybe
adjective: melted, liquified, thawed
from "melted"
noun: bucket, pail
from: metalbucket
noun: crypt, morgue
from: medo -gather
noun: body
from: medal/man daun/meadow
noun: shirt
from: medo + bakkova
noun: cancer
from medo and ripa
adverb: hard; important
from: major
noun: hand guard, basket hilt, knuckle-bow hilt, esp. on a sword or other weapon
from meika, "hand" and shila, "protector"
noun: length of a hand (measurement)
from: meika + span
adjective: amazing, fantastic, incredible, wondrous
from "amazi-balls"
adjective: beautiful
from: amazing
verb: forget
from: mema in
verb: remember
from: remember in
verb: be fluent in a language
from: [[mema in]] (satellite suppletion)
verb: miss
from: remember away
noun: memory
from c. mema in and mema we
noun: symbol
from: remember-one
noun: assortment, collection, hodgepodge, mishmash, miscellany
from "mess" in the sense of "a whole mess of"
verb: interrupt
from: mess up
noun: armory
from: mess hall
noun: omen, portent, sign
from "message"
noun: complicated, complex, difficult
from: messy
noun: medication, medicine
from: meds
verb: joke around, joke with friends (usually takes a plural subject, or takes an audience)
from: meme
verb: ridicule, slam, burn, roast
from: meme
verb: tell a joke to, joke with
from: meme
adjective: jocular, joking, non-serious, flippant
from: mim + en
verb: intrude
from: come-in clean
noun: enter
from: come-in up
noun: word for a dark, moonless night
from: midnight
verb: miss, fail to hit
from: mis op
verb: mistake
from: miss up
noun: a miss, a missed shot
from: mis + on
verb: [command] come, come here
from: come here
noun: an apology; [with 'biyo'] to apologize, to be sorry
from: my bad
phrase: thank you
from: more-?
noun: wolverine
from "murder-ferret"
adjective: brown
from: muddy
noun: worm
from: muck-squirmer
noun: lamprey
from: muck-sucker
phrase: welcome
from: come-on-in
phrase: welcome back, welcome home
from: come-on-in home
noun: tomorrow
from: tomorrow-one
noun: marsh, swamp
from: marsh
adverb: more
from: more-better
adjective: royal, regal
from: most/more high
noun: other, another
from: more-one
noun: outside, other side, exterior
adj. outside, other side, exterior
adjective: almost, nearly, most of
from: most
pronoun: themselves
from: emo + as
noun: month
from: moon + on
verb: get past, move beyond, go beyond, get past (s/t use kom)
from: move on
verb: mobilize
from: move on out
verb: advance
from: move on
auxiliary: (future auxiliary); can, could
from: gonna
preposition: until
from: gonna-come
noun: hour
from "in a bit"
interjection: certainly, naturally, of course
from "natch"
phrase: feel me?, know what I mean?, got it?; functions like the Japanese "ne" particle
from: know-what-I-mean
adjective: crazy, nuts, ludicrous, ridiculous
from: bananas
noun: night, tonight
from: night
proper noun: Nightblood, Blackblood
from: night-bleeder
noun: evening prayers
from: night-Hail-Mary
noun: traitor
from: night-runner
noun: treason
from: night-runner-ness
noun: moon
from: night-shiner
noun: a type of bird that screeches at night
from: nightscreamer
adjective: current, present
adv. currently, presently
adverb: sometimes
from: now and later
adverb: immediately, right away, at that moment
adjective: empty
from "negative"
noun: impostor
from: name-dropper
noun: miracle
from: ?-one
adjective: next
from: next
noun: next (one)
from: next-one
interjection: farewell, until next time, see you soon
from nes and neson
adverb: next time
from: next time
noun: immortal one
from: never wind-er
adjective: immortal
from: never-winding
adjective: close
from: nearby
noun: loved one, lover
from: near-one
noun: surprise, element of surprise, high ground (various tactical uses)
from: initiative
verb: fall asleep
from: "nod off"
adjective: another
from: another
adjective: sleepy, tired
from: nodding
adjective: interesting, remarkable
from "notable" in the Wikipedia sense
noun: other one, another one
from: noda + on
adverb: again, another time
from: another-time
noun: map
from "no-fold-on", lit. "thing that won't fold up"
adjective: imaginary, fictional, untrue
from c. fousen and c. noseim
adjective: barren, sterile
from gredi
noun: barrenness, sterility
adjective: unarmed
from c. hot
noun: dishonor, shame
from koma
noun: number
from: number
noun: motherfucker
from: number-one-jerker
noun: mathematics
from: noma + plei
noun: son
from: number-four
noun: mom
from: number-one-i
noun: mother
from: number-one
noun: motherfucker
from: number-one-jerker
noun: no one, nobody
from: none
adjective: tasty, yummy
from: nom-nom
noun: dad
from: number-two-i
noun: father
from: number-two
verb: ignore, flout, break (e.g. a truce or rule), fly in the face of
from: ignore
adjective: different; also spelled "nouseim"
from: no-same
noun: difference, anomaly, contrast, discrepancy
from nouseim
adjective: doubtful, uncertain
verb: doubt, question, be unsure of
from "not sure"
adverb: anymore, any longer
idiom: a response to something thats very obvious
from: (the sky's) not blue
phrase: nothing happening, not much going on
adverb: only
from: no-more
noun: wisdom
from: knowing
adjective: wise
from c. noun
adjective: dull
from "no (sharpening) stone"
adjective: wrong
from: no + ait
adverb: never
from: no-way
adjective: useless, futile
noun: Wednesday
from: nulif + sun
noun: span, era (indefinite period of time thematically linked)
from: New Year
adjective: perfect, beyond reproach, faultless, incomparable, peerless, supreme
from "all that"
noun: a useless person or thing
from: autocorrect
adjective: over, done, finished
from: all-done
adjective: all, together; each, every
from: all-together
noun: truce, ceasefire; peace
from: all-guns-down
adjective: ready, prepared
from: all-good
noun/adverb: o’clock (optionally used when telling time)
from: alarm
expression: goodbye (said by one person)
from: I'm out
noun: armpit
from: arm crack
preposition: (locative preposition) on, under, into
from: on
adjective: random, aimless
from "uncategorized
noun: uncle, or other older male relative
from: uncle
noun: front spoon, "little spoon"
from: up-spooner
noun: caretaker
from: up-keeper
adverb: everywhere
from "all over the place"
adjective: surrounding, surrounded
from "all around"
adjective: good, well, great
from: awesome
phrase: all the same, even so
expression: congratulations, right on
from: awesome yo
pronoun: (first person plural exclusive) we, us; excludes the listener
from: us-here
pronoun: (first person plural inclusive) we, us; includes the listener
from: us-all
noun: the rest, the remainder
from: all-stuff
adverb: always
from: all-time
adjective: clumsy
from "all thumbs"
noun: council, committee, commission, panel
from: all-talk
noun: councillor, panelist
from: otok + on
adjective: ancient, age-old, antiquated, archaic, obsolete, relic, venerable
adjective: ancient, very old
from: old ass
adverb: there, over there, yonder (distal)
from: over there
noun: coat, jacket
from: overcoat
adjective: defeated, humiliated, put in one's place
from "owned"
verb: take responsibility, admit to a mistake
from "own up"
noun: the humiliation of defeat (feeling)
noun: bridge
from "overpass"
noun: bridge
from: overpass
adjective: vulnerable, exposed, accessible, defenseless
from "wide open"
adjective: traditional
from: old school
noun: priest
from: over-speaker
noun: air, oxygen
from O2
adjective: natural, naturally-occurring, wild; unmutated, untainted, non-radiated, unspoiled, safe
from: old world
verb: owe
from: owe-one clean
noun: menstrual pad, menstrual cloth
verb: search (someone) search, investigate; assess, appraise
from: pat down
verb: carry, haul, lug, tote
verb: fill up, pack, stuff
noun: pack, herd (animal, e.g. wolf)
noun: wolf, wolves
from: pack-stalker
adjective: dusty, gritty, powdery
verb: flatten
from "pound out"
noun: gorilla
from: pounder
noun: March
from: Pisces + moon
noun: firepower, payload
from: pepper
noun: body hair
from: peach fuzz
noun: banana
from: peeler
adjective: angry
from: pissed
noun: angry, violent insect
from: pis + poka
noun: asshole, jerk (but considered insignificant)
from: pis + poka
noun: woman
from: planner
noun: warrior woman
from: planner-gunner
noun: an utterly deplorable person
from: plan-hacker
noun: ladykiller
from: planner-reaper
noun: act, deed, behavior
from: play
noun: table
from: plank + on
noun: game
from: play-play
noun: toy
from: play-thing
adverb: enough
from: plenty
phrase: adequate, good enough, sufficient
verb: pad (as a footstep), lap (as a wave)
noun: ceremony, ritual
from "party"
adjective: ceremonial, ritual
verb: be proud or exultant, preen
from "puffed up"
noun: clearing, dale, dell, glen, meadow, park, pasture, vale
from "park"
noun: bug, insect
from: Peter PARKER
noun: pratfall, slip, stumble, tumble
from "parkour"
verb: slip, stumble, tumble
adjective: slipping, stumbling, tumbling
noun: house (or any residence)
from: apartment
interjection: excuse me, pardon me
noun: farm
from: (hydro)ponics
noun: farm
from: hydroponics
verb: fool, trick
from: punk clean
noun: distraction, diversions
from: pop up
verb: provide lodging, host a guest
noun: freedom
from: pride/proud
adjective: free, available, unashamed, unafraid
from: pride/proud
none: nuclear winter
from: pram + ash + a
noun: lever, crowbar, prybar
noun: supplies
from: prep-one
adjective: sacred, precious
from: precious
noun: seal, signet
from: precious-one
adjective: somewhat, pretty much
from: pretty
adverb: would, probably would, would have (assertive)
from: probably
noun: question
from: prompt
none: expression: you're welcome (a bit fuller in expression; see also pro)
from: pro + pro
noun: identity, likeness, image
from: profile
verb: wear
from: put-on up
verb: pull hard, yank
from: pull clean
verb: pull away, draw away
from: pull away
verb: execute
from: put down
adjective: good, kind, innocent
from: pure
adjective: innocently beautiful, touching
from "pure" in the internet slang sense
adjective: devoted to, strongly supportive
from "ride or die"
noun: right thing
from: right-one
noun: radiation
from "rads"
adjective: menstrual
from "on the rag"
adjective: to be menstruating, to be having a period
noun: menstruation, period
adverb: exactly, precisely
verb: to shower (object usually reflexive)
from: rain
adjective: smelly, stinky, fragrant, odiferous, bad-smelling
from "ripe"
adjective: just, fair (compare with radon)
from: right
adjective: fair, just, proper
from raitnes
noun: justice
from: rightness
verb: rebel, resist, revolt
from "rise up"
noun: rebellion, resistance, revolt
verb: control
from: rack up
noun: chest cleavage
from: rack crack
noun: skilled cook
from: Ramsey
noun: bandage
from: wrap-one
noun: right
from: right-side
adjective: controlled
from: racked-up
preposition: near, around, next to; general locative preposition
from: around
satellite: a verbal satellite often used with intransitive verbs of motion or action which have a transitive counterpart
from: around
noun: generation, life-cycle
from: raunon + gou
noun: rotunda, round room or building
from: round-cover
noun: person; ring, circle
from: around-one; round-one
verb: depend on
from: rely on
noun: dawn (literal and figurative)
from: sunrise/horizon
adjective: amped, revved up, pissed, ready, primed
from: revved up
noun: anger, rage
from: rage
adjective: angry, enraged
from: reij + fou
noun: rain; [one's] place, worth
from: rain; ?
noun: unworthy
from: rein + -gafen
noun: tarp, canopy, rain fly, roof
noun: archer, bowman
from: ranger
noun: strategist, leader, commander (not a formal position, but situationally)
from: rein + set + a
noun: order
from: ?-setting
noun: Saturday
from: reya + sun
adjective: sharp
from "razor" teik yu bleirona reiza sharpen your swords
noun: a feeling of great sadness, sorrow
from "wrecked"
adjective: very sad, depressed, miserable, sorrowful
noun: depression, misery, sorrow
noun: tool, device
from "wrench"
noun: (diminutive) parent
from "renny"
phrase: good night
from: rest-up
phrase: rest in peace
from: rest-away
none: nightmare
from: res + kripa
noun: engine
from: revver
noun: tent
from "rayon" or REI
verb: to resurrect, to come back to life
from: resurrect, come back to life
verb: rouse, wake up, bring back to consciousness, bring out of a vegetative state, make s/o snap out of s/t
from: from resurrect/rouse
verb: (reflexive) sleep, read to oneself; (transitive) read to someone
from: ?; read up
noun: truth
from: real-deal
noun: (technology) chip
from: Dorito
verb: to mislead, to lead on
from: Rick Roll
verb: tear off, rip off
from: rip off
noun: murderer, killer; (capitalized) Reaper
from: reaper
adjective: dark
from: risky
noun: darkness
from: risky-ness
noun: April
from: Aries + moon
adjective: scraped
from "scraped raw"
noun: cave
from "rock hole"
noun: stoning to death (Sangeda capital punishment); teik _ in (vp.) {00} to be stoned to death
from: rock shower
verb: (attempt) escape
from: run off
verb: (intransitive) give; (intransitive) run
from: run around
verb: run away
from: run away
noun: fierceness, tempestuousness
verb: leave
from: roll out
verb: arrive
from: roll up
verb: retreat
from: run-away up
noun: retreat
from: run-away-ness
adjective: rude, abrupt, brusque, curt, snippy
interj. "that was rude"
verb: root for, cheer for, praise, be high on
from: root for
verb: decide, choose
from: said in
verb: decide emphatically, choose definitively, make a firm choice
from: said clean
verb: (transitive) pick out, choose [something]; (intransitive) like to have, like to decide
from: said up
noun: suspicion
from: side eye
none: cast aspersions on, throw suspicion upon
from: side eye
verb: be highly suspicious
from: side eye
verb: be suspicious of
from: side eye
verb: saddle
from "saddle up"
adjective: fun, exciting
from: exCITING
proper noun: Conclave
from: said-gather
noun: vote
from: said-one
noun: significant other
from: side-runner OR decide-runner
adverb: besides, in addition to, other than
prep. besides, over and above, in addition to
verb: gesture, use hand signals
noun: gesture, hand signal
noun: Sagittarius
from: December
noun: bag, pouch, sack
from "sack"
verb: outsmart, outwit, trick, fool
from: sack/psyche out
verb: take (as a strategic point)
from: sack down
noun: footstep
from: sand-padder
noun: deaf person
from: signer
noun: lunch
from: sandwich
noun: dead individual
from: signer
adjective: deaf
from: signing
noun: deafness
from: signing
noun: desert
from: san + geda
proper noun: Desert People
from: sand-gather-crew
noun: sandstorm
from: san + crasher
noun: lizard
from: sand crawler
noun: lizard
from: sand-crawler
noun: vulture
from: san + sora
noun: barbarian, savage (ironic)
from "savage" as used by the Mountain Men
noun: wine
from: sour juice
noun: November
from: Scorpio + moon
noun: teacher, instructor
from: said-er
conjunction: but, except
from: except-for
noun: picture
from: selfie
verb: mean, signify
from: say
noun: vote, official decision (i.e. a situation in which people get together to vote and everyone has their say, as opposed to sadon, which would be the actual decision or choice made)
from: sei + geda
verb: vote
from: say-gather clean
adjective: same
from: same
verb: prefer
from: same-better
noun: preference, inclination
from: seimbeda + on
noun: same, same one
from: same-one
noun: saying, proverb, maxim, adage, meme
from sei
noun: family
from: same-gather
adjective: same, same as; too, also
from: same-time
noun: counsel, advice
from: say-so
adjective: balanced, even, fair
from "circular", in a wordplay on "square"
phrase: to cast one's gaze down out of modesty or embarrassment
from: sen fut daun
verb: put down, set down
from: send down
verb: understand
from: sen in
verb: release, set free, let go
from: send clear
verb: sleep with, have sex with
from: sex up
verb: get down, stay down; give up
from: set down
verb: belong
from: set clean
verb: be born
from: set off
verb: wait, stand in place; make to wait or stand in place; (reflexive) study, apply oneself to
from: sit around
noun: watch (as a sentry or guard)
from: sit-ness
noun: meaning, connotation, definition, significance
from c. sei
noun: praise
from: shout out
noun: trophy, prize, special item
from "shiny"
verb: live, reside
from: shack up
noun: shine, glow
from c. trishana
adjective: happy
from: shining
adjective: shining, glowing
noun: machete, falchion, seax, cutlass, large bowie
from: "machete"
adjective: black
from: shade
verb: shelter, protect
from: shade clean
noun: night
from: shade-gathering
proper noun: the dark commander
from: shade-header
adjective: mysterious, cryptic, enigmatic, secretive, suspicious
from "shady"
noun: Nightblood
from: shade-juice
verb: make a deal, strike a bargain, reach an agreement, agree
from: shake
verb: to be nervous, to be anxious
from: shake
adjective: nervous, anxious
from: shaking
adjective: nervous
from: shaking
adjective: nerve-racking, anxiety-inducing
from: sheik + fou
noun: arents (refers to everyone that takes care of s/o, not just one parent—however, if one only has one parent, that parent would be one’s shela)
from: shelter
noun: nut
from: shell cracker
adjective: appalling, awful, terrible
from "shitty"
adjective: drunk
from: shit-faced
noun: boot
from: shit kicker
verb: protect, defend
from: shell up
noun: protector, defender
from shil op
adjective: terrified, very frightened
adjective: protective, vigilant
noun: turtle
from: shell-?
noun: guard (force)
from: shell-crew
noun: protection, safekeeping
noun: cargo, shipment, package, gear (various)
from: shipment
verb: be quiet
from: shut up
phrase: how are you
from: whatcha-up-to
noun: chance, try, attempt
from: shot
noun: ritual, ceremony
from: show
verb: present
from: showing off
verb: guide
from: showing around
noun: advisor
from: showing-er
noun: weapon
from: shooter
noun/adjective: shame
from: unknown
adjective: daunted, intimidated, unsettled
noun: trouble
from: situation
noun: problem-solver, troubleshooter
from: situation-?
verb: sit
from: sitting down
verb: witness, watch
from: seen in
verb: discern, divine, recognize-and- understand, grok
verb: spot, notice
from c. sin in
verb: see through, finish, continue a project or process to completion
noun: meeting; space of time equivalent to an hour or two
from: sit daun
noun: scenery, vista, sight
from c. sin in
noun: movie
from: screen roller
noun: day
from: seeing time
pronoun: ourselves (exclusive)
from: osir + as
adjective: determined, resolute, unyielding
from "serious face"
adverb: determinedly, resolutely, unyieldingly
noun: sister
from: sister
verb: help, assist
from: assist out
verb: grab, take
from: ? up
adjective: helpful
from: assist-for
noun: shore, seashore
from: seashore
noun: crab
from "sea-spider"
noun: salad
from: Caesar (salad)
adjective: person who is unfocused, undisciplined; (adj.) {00} haphazard, unfocused, undisciplined
from: scatterbrain
noun: helicopter
from: skai + chopper
noun: star
from: sky-fire
noun: medium-sized birds such as pigeons and jays
from: sky-flyer
noun: spaceship
from: skai + floudon
adjective: cloudy, clouded
noun: large bird
from: sky-glider
noun: airplane, plane
from: skai + glider
noun: predatory bird, bird used for hunting
from: sky-gunner
noun: storm
from: sky-crasher
proper noun: Sky People, Arkers
from: sky-crew
noun: small bird, as a sparrow or hummingbird
from: sky-pecker
noun: weather
from: skai + plei
noun: scar; also 'skaron'
from: scarring; scar-one
proper noun: Sky Person, Arker
from: sky-one
verb: draw
from: sketch out
adjective: wrong, off, bad, weird
from: sketchy
adjective: scarce, rare, few, hard to find
from: scarce
noun: skinned pelt or hide
verb: skin, flay, remove the skin or pelt of an animal
adjective: skinning skinen swison skinning knife
verb: creep out, freak out (s/o), give (s/o) the creeps
from: skeevy
verb: creep on
from: skeeve up
noun: student
from: school-goer
noun: scar
from: scarring/scar
noun: bickering, quarreling, squabbling
from "discourse"
verb: write
from: scribe down
noun: writer
from: skrab + a
noun: claw, talon
from: scratcher
noun: piece, part, fragment, component, scrap
noun: rag, sponge, towel (various)
from: scrubber
adjective: fated, cursed, destined, doomed, hexed
from "screwed"
noun: one who is fated, etc.
noun: group of friends
from "squad"
noun: repay
from: squared up
noun: hamster
from: squeaker
verb: put aside for later, save, cache
from: squirrel away
verb: squirm, wriggle, writhe
from c. mokskwoma
interjection: excuse me, pardon me
noun: spike
from "skewer"
verb: slash, slice
from "slice"
adjective: open
from: slack
adjective: open
from: slack
verb: kill (most typically with a blade)
from: slash
verb: cut, slash (to kill)
from: slash clean
noun: language
from: slang
noun: translator
from: slang-switcher
noun: translating, translation
from: slang-switching
verb: exit
from: slip out
verb: (intransitive) fall, come (down); (transitive) slay
from: slip down
verb: reveal accidentally
from: slip up
verb: fail
from: slip through
verb: sneak away, depart or escape by stealth
noun: fall
from: slipping
noun: gravity
from slip daun
verb: have, trot out, drag out (to bring up s/t that all concerned despise or find ridiculous)
from: slug/slog
verb: be lazy, drag your feet (takes a generic em object, or takes raun instead of op)
from: slug/slog
adjective: lazy
from: slogging
adjective: wet, hydrated, drunk
from: sloshing
verb: slow (transitive or intransitive)
from: slow
verb: knock down
from: smack down
verb: strike a blow, smack
noun: radio, walkie-talkie
from: smartphone
adjective: small and precious
verb: kiss
from: smooch up
noun: raccoon
from: snatcher
none: racist
from: (Dan) Snyder
noun: a person who is attractive or desirable
adj. attractive, desirable
adjective: fast, quick
from: snap
noun: alligator, crocodile (either)
from: snapper
adjective: rushed, hurried
from c. snap
adjective: early
from: snap + taim
noun: skirmish
from "Lighting Only Strikes Once" by fiona_249
noun: loved one
from: snog-one
adjective: bored, disinterested
from: snoring
noun: a passive-aggressive person
from: unknown
adjective: passive-aggressive
from: unknown
noun: tunnel
from: subway
adverb: softly, gently
from: soft
verb: suffer, struggle, be in pain (can take reflexive object)
from: suffer/suffocate
noun: baby, honey (pet name)
from: sof + on
noun: mouse
from: unknown
adjective: good, praiseworthy, admirable, respectable
from: solid
noun: favor, kind act
from "do me a solid"
noun: something
from: something
adjective: proud
from: it's all me/smarmy
noun: thing
from: son of a bitch
noun: hello, hi
from: what's up man
adverb: eventually, sooner or later
verb: (transitive) dry (something)
from: sun up
noun: summer solstice
from "sun-ascension"
noun: equinox
from "sun-tied"
noun: winter solstice
from "sun-death"
noun: afternoon
from: sun out
noun: light
from: sunshine
proper noun: (also Sonchgeda, Soncha Kapa) the City of Light
from: sunshine-gather
noun: evening
from "sun down"
noun: week
from: sun + geda
noun: music
from: song-play
adjective: deep
from: sunken
noun: morning
from: sun up
noun: (one's) life
from: sun-around
noun: present, gift
from: somethin'-somethin'
adverb: hopefully soon, but probably never (unlikely to occur)
from: some day soon
noun: story
from: song-time
noun: summer (season)
from: sun-time
interjection: hail, greetings
from: Whats up (sup)
noun: bird
from: dinosaur
noun: a feeling of patheticness, pitifulness, wretchedness
from "sorry-looking"
adjective: pathetic, pitiful, wretched
adjective: suspicious, dubious, questionable, sketchy
from: suspicious
none: subordinating conjunction: too bad, unfortunately, sucks that, pity
from: sucks (that)
none: infuriate, piss off, enrage
from: salt
verb: make angry, piss off
from: salt
adverb: (emphatic) provides emphasis, typically on a copula or verb
from: so
noun: drink (alcoholic)
from: soda
none: auxilary: must, to have to, to have got to (strong obligation)
from: so gotta
adjective: doomed
from: "I'm so dead"
verb: marry (use gon)
from: from: soldier on/sojourn
noun: journey, travels
from: sojourn
verb: travel with, be companion with (use ogeda kom
from: from: soldier on/sojourn
verb: wet, dampen
from "soak"
verb: wet thoroughly, soak
noun: vagina (standard term)
from: soaker
phrase: "it's okay", "it's all right"
from: s'okay
adjective: alone
from: solo
adjective: adequate, okay, tolerable
adv. adequately, tolerably
verb: give, show (object is abstract or metaphorical)
from: serve
pronoun: ourselves (inclusive)
from: oso + as
noun: underground spring
from "spa"
phrase: congratulations
from: special
verb: go into a daze or trance, space out; ... gon; forget, let slip one’s mind
from: space
verb: bow
from: respect down
verb: expect, anticipate
from: expect/respect
verb: be (past), have been, used to have been
from: used to be
noun: liar, deceiver
from: spich + -a
none: false, fallacious, dishonest, deceptive; intensifier (mild slang, like damn, darn, goddamn or freakin'/frickin'/friggin')
from: speeching
adjective: lying
from: speeching
phrase: goddamn
from: speeching
none: expression: damn, dammit, damn it, darn, etc.
from: speeching
verb: complain, protest, disagree
from: speak out
verb: raise one's voice, speak firmly
from: speak up
noun: mouth
from: speaker
noun: mouth
from: speaker
noun: complaint, protest, objection, disagreement
from: spik au + on
adjective: spilled, poured
verb: (transitive) dance; (reflexive) think, esp. meditatively
from: spin around
verb: to swim somewhere (can take a dummy object em)
from: splash
verb: to swim
from: splash
verb: daub, dot, spot
from "splatter"
adjective: daubed, dotted, spotted
noun: outsider, outcast (s/o who's not a part of the in group, and is, therefore, to be avoided)
from: splitter
noun: outsider, outcast
from: splitter
noun: firestarter, match
from: sparker
noun: employee, underling, worker
from: responder
verb: drain
from: sponge out
adjective: yellow (unnatural yellow, or bright yellow)
from: Spongebob (Squarepants)
noun: spring (season)
from: spring-time
verb: act in the capacity of a back spoon, be (someone's) back spoon
from: spoon in
verb: act in the capacity of a front spoon, be (someone's) front spoon
from: spoon up
noun: one who participates in "spooning"
from: spooner
adjective: murderous, violent
verb: stand perfectly still
from: statue
verb: stay still, freeze, hold still (used with reflexive object; the ending of “statue” was misinterpreted as a reflexive yu, and so the word was backformed)
from: statue
noun: blacksmith, armorer, swordmaker
from the Stagmer Brothers of Baltimore Knife & Sword
noun: blacksmithing, smithcraft
noun: writing implement, pencil, pen, crayon (various)
from: stylus
verb: support despite flaws, be loyal to s/o unworthy of loyalty
from: stand/stan
verb: build, construct
from: stand/stan
adjective: good
from: stand-up
verb: hide, conceal (s.o./s.t.)
from "stash"
adjective: hidden, concealed
noun: cache, stash, hidden supply
verb: (stative copula) be; used with adjectives; also used with verbs as a progressive marker
from: stay
verb: be dead
from: stay down
none: verbal phrase: make sense, be sensible, be sensical
from: straight up
preposition: instead, instead of that, instead of
from: instead of that
adjective: dead
from: stay-down
noun: the dead, one who is dead, dead person
from: stay-down-one
adjective: steadfast, reliable, dependable, disciplined (generic)
from: steady
noun: village
from: stay-gather
noun: arena, area for sport or battle
from: stadium
noun: proof, evidence
from: stain
verb: prove
from: stain clean
adjective: hidden
from: stealth
proper noun: a mythical horse that none can catch
from: stealth-runner
verb: make one's move
from: step out
verb: retire, abdicate a position
verb: march
from: step clean
verb: step in, interfere
from: step up
noun: action, activity, motion, movement
from c. step klin etc.
noun: stair, stairs, staircase
from: stairs + geda
noun: stairs, staircase, stairwell
from: stair-gather
verb: operate, perform surgery on
from: stitch
adjective: held, immobilized, restrained, stuck, trapped
from "hold still"
noun: autist (s/o who is autistic)
from: stimmer
verb: (intransitive) burn, sting, smart
from: sting in
noun: donkey, mule
from "stubborn" + agent noun suffix
noun: start, beginning
from: starter
verb: stalk, follow, tail
verb: pierce, stab, spear
from "stuck through"
verb: be awake
from: stomping around
adjective: awake
from: stumbling
adjective: /noun: gray, grey (figurative/literary)
from: storm cloud
verb: start, begin
from: start out
verb: urge a horse to begin moving
adjective: patient, even-tempered, tranquil, uncomplaining
from "patient as a stone"
noun: plotter, schemer
from: strategy-er
noun: plan
from: strategy
noun: run, stretch, period of time
from: stretch
verb: walk
from: stretch out
noun: walker, one who walks
from: stretcher
noun: walk, walking
from: stretch-play
adjective: sensible, sensical, logical
from: straight up
adverb: completely, fully, very (generic intensifier)
from: straight
adjective: small, little
from: streak
verb: be rejected
from: strike out
verb: reduce
from: streak down
verb: begin a conversation
noun: goat
from "little kicker"
noun: badger
from "small clawed one"
noun: little one, small one
from: streak-one
noun: breeze
from strik and weda
noun: puppet
from: string-bobber
noun: little sister
from: streak-sister
noun: basket, woven container
from: straw bucket
verb: to play a concert, to perform
from: strum
verb: to play an instrument
from: strum
noun: musician
from: strummer
noun: music
from: stroma + en
verb: cook (especially soup/stew)
from: stew
noun: an utterly deplorable person
from: just-a-moocher
adjective: black
from "soot"
adverb: eventually, a long time, awhile
from "soon"
adjective: eventual, future
noun: evening
from: sun down
noun: fish dish, food made from fish
from: "sushi"
verb: flank, surround
from: swap up
adjective: attractive, good looking
from: swipe left
verb: swear, promise
from: swear-to-god clean
verb: cease, stop doing
from: swega klin
verb: swear off, abjure, forswear, renounce
verb: take the place of, relieve
noun: length of an arm (measurement)
from: swinga + span
noun: (also swison) knife, blade
from: Swiss
verb: swish (a tail), wag
noun: blade
from: swish-one
adjective: good, cool (generic)
from: sweet
noun: wrist
from "swiveler"
verb: swell (can be used transitively or intransitively)
from: swole
noun: swelling
from: swollen-ness
adjective: muscular
from "swol"
verb: name, call
from: tag in
verb: name, call (when the name is used in the clause, there is no verbal satellite; instead, the name itself is preposed by laik)
from: tag
adjective: awkward, embarrassing
from: tag + blanking
proper noun: speaking of the names, a ritual recitation of the lineage of the Commander which marks the beginning of a new Commander's rule
from: tag-speaking OR tag-spitting
conjunction: if; (taim... taim...) if... then...
from: time
noun: hourglass
from "time-turner"
noun: jail, prison, prison cell
from: taim + geda
noun: narc, informant
from: tattler
verb: count, mark, add up
v. brand someone with a kill mark (Cf. fleimstika)
noun: poker-like branding tool used to make kill marks
noun: mark-fire, a fire kindled for the purpose of branding kill marks
noun: season
from: c. wintam, sprintam, sontam, fotam
noun: season, era, epoch (various)
from: tam + on
noun: floor (in particular a paved or otherwise artificial floor)
from: tapper
noun: tattoo
from: tattoo
noun: bear
from: teddybear
verb: seize, eliminate
from: take out
verb: beat, overcome, defeat
from: take down
verb: accept; (no satellite) let, allow
from: take in
verb: to subtract (s/t from s/t else use kom)
from: take away
verb: contend, face
from: take on
adjective: tied, entwined
verb: to measure
from: tape
verb: to restrict, to prohibit, to cordon off
from: tape
noun: taste, flavor
from c. teisa
noun: tongue
from: taster
adjective: tasty, flavorful
noun: technology
from: tech, technology; equipment (even non-technological equipment), gear
noun: airplane
from: tek + flyer
noun: sentence
from: tell together
noun: a word, a conversation
from: tell-one
noun: exercise
from: tester
noun: messenger
from: tester
preposition: without
from: without
noun: passion, specialty, object of enthusiasm
noun: rabbit
from: thumper
adjective: nice, pleasant, congenial
from: thumbs up
noun: rose
from: thorn bloomer
adjective: hollow
from: thunking
noun: go-getter, enterprising individual, self-starter (stronger than gougeda)
from: thosti + -on
adjective: thirsty, needing, hungry
from: thirsty
verb: fight
from: throw down
verb: misdirect, deceive, give a false impression
verb: dispose of
from: throw away
noun: challenge
from: throw-down
adverb: steadily, continuously, progressively
from c. thru
adjective: ongoing, steady, continuous, progressing
verb: teach
from: teach up
verb: offend, provoke, outrage
from: tick off
noun: an offense, provocation, outrage
from: tik of + a
noun: moment
from: ticker
adjective: offensive, provocative
from: tik of + as
adjective: offensive, outrageous, provocative*
noun: offensiveness, outrageousness
noun: shirt
from: t-shirt
adjective: the feeling one gets in one’s limbs when they’re trying to wake up; uncomfortable (for social situations)
from: tingly
adjective: within, inside, esp. as substantive
from: interior
verb: fill up
from: top off
noun: (one's) land
from: turf
noun: territory, turf, land, area
from: turf
adjective: difficult, hard, tough; (n. as subst.) difficult thing
from: tough-one
adjective: entire, complete, total
adverb: so, very, very much
from: totally
noun: heart
from: thump-bump
noun: (endearment) heart-spouse
verb: rotate, turn, twist
from c. tona
adverb: countless, many
from: ton-of
proper noun: Tondc
from: Washington, D.C.
noun: accent, dialect
from: tongue-color
adjective: awesome, amazing
from: turnt
verb: torture
from: torture up
noun: torturer
from: torturer
noun: torture
from: torture-play
noun: ferret, marten, weasel
from "Toby"*
adverb: /expression: yes (emphatically), used to indicate agreement
from: totes
noun: May
from: Taurus + moon
noun: cart, mine cart; esp. the carts in the Reaper tunnels
from: tracker
noun: train
from: track-runner
noun: train station
from: trakrona + hou
verb: try to, trying to
from: trying-to
noun: vagina
from: trapper-keeper
noun: loudmouth, braggart (insult used with s/o who talks themselves up a bit too much)
from: trap fapper
noun: campfire
from c. trap and c. faya
none: goat
from: trash muncher
noun: wasteland
from: trash-sack-er
noun: path, trail
from: trail
noun: blockade, trade embargo
from: trade-blocker
verb: recover, get better (esp. from an injury or illness)
from: train
noun: tree trunk
from c. tri and bakon
noun: spider
from: unknown
noun: wood
from: tree fiber
adjective: wooden
from: tree fiber
verb: shoot
from: trigger up
noun: shooter
from: trigger-er
proper noun: Woods Clan
from: tree-gather
proper noun: people of the Woods Clan
from: tree-gather-crew
noun: fire, shooting
from: trigger-play
noun: shadow
from: tree-cover
noun: sloth
from: tree crawler
proper noun: Tree People
from: tree-crew
noun: deer
from: tree-leaper
noun: (also "trigeda", uncapitalized) forest
from: tree-many
verb: get angry, freak out, lose one's cool
from: trip around
noun: woodpecker
from: tree pecker
noun: strange
from: trippy
noun: log
from: tree-pole
noun: possum
from "tree stalker"
noun: lightning
from: tree-striker
verb: deprioritize
from "triage out"
verb: prioritize
from "triage"
proper noun: Tree Person
from: tree-one
noun: patrol
from: patrol/troll
verb: aggravate, annoy, pester, infuriate (severity depends on context)
from: patrol/troll
verb: to play a concert with horns, brass, or woodwind
from: trom(on)
verb: to play a horn, brass, or woodwind
from: trom(on)
noun: trom + a
from: horn player, brass player, woodwind player
noun: horn
from: trumpet-one
verb: screw s/o over, fuck s/o over, cheat s/o, dupe
from: Trump
verb: lie to, tell a lie to, be false to
from: Trump
noun: complete wanker (derogatory)
noun: blanket, comforter
from: trunk cover
noun: souvenir, trophy
from "trophy"
noun: a superstitious person, one who believes nonsense
from "truther"
phrase: let's
from: let's-a
noun: rear end, buttocks, ass
noun: a patient
from: twitcher
preposition: between
in the middle of
verb: turn, till
from: twist up
noun: soup, stew
from: udon
noun: power, strength
from: oof
noun: energy
from: oof-ness
adjective: wide
from: vast
noun: witness
from: vouch-er
noun: complainer
from: kvetcher
verb: raid
from veida tro
verb: invade, infiltrate, raid
from: invade
noun: invader, enemy; elevator
from: invader; elevator
verb: separate oneself from s/t, to extricate oneself from s/t
from: divorce
verb: separate, split apart (object is plural, and the elements are being separated from one another)
from: divorce
phrase: The Separation Ritual.
from: vos (from 'divorse')
verb: refuse (to do s/t use na)
from: vote
verb: think
from: vote in
verb: choose, select, prefer, like
from: vout in
noun: thoughts, ruminations
from: vout in + nes
verb: cleanse, clean, wash
from: water clean
noun: intention, purpose, reason
from "why-ness"
verb: whack, hit, strike, thump
from "whack"
adjective: deadly, fatal, lethal
from c. wan op
noun: death
from: wind-play
verb: stop
from: wind down
noun: commander of death; [as prop.] the Commander of Death (referring to Clarke)
from: wind-header
proper noun: bringer of death
from: wind-leader
noun: palace, castle
from: White House
noun: wind
from "weather"
adjective: deep
from "way down"
verb: weigh down, haunt, bog down, get down
from: weigh/weighed down
adverb: where
from: where-one
verb: (transitive) believe, trust
adjective: devoted
from: ?-ing
adjective: confident, positive, self-assured
noun: confidence, belief; loyalty
verb: forgive
from: we-good up
noun: forgiveness
from: we good
noun: witch
from "Willow"
noun: victory
from: win-play
noun: winner
from: winner
adjective: triumphant, victorious
adv. triumphantly, victoriously
verb: take off
from: wing
noun: victory
from: win-ness
noun: winter (season)
from: winter-time
verb: brandish, unleash, unholster, unsheath
from: wip
verb: cook, prepare (e.g. a meal or other food)
from: wip
none: expression: hey, what's going on, what's up (no longer a specifically locative expression)
from: where you at
verb: interfere, intervene, butt in (on s/t use ona; can take a reflexive object)
from: weasel
verb: interfere, intervene, butt in (on s/t use ona; can take a reflexive object)
from: weasel
verb: interfere, intervene, butt in (on s/t use ona; can take a reflexive object)
from: weasel
verb: interfere, intervene, butt in (on s/t use ona; can take a reflexive object)
from: weasel
noun: chieftain
from: watcher
verb: beware, look out
from: watch-ass
noun: lesson
from: watch-up
noun: waterway, channel, passage, strait, estuary
adverb: what if
from: what if
adjective: indecisive, halting, hesitant, torn, unable to choose
from "waffling"
noun: chamber
from: wall-gather
verb: wonder
from: wander/wonder
verb: wander away, wander off
from: wander/wonder
verb: explore
from: wander/wonder
noun: way, method
from: one-way
adjective: orange
from: warning sign
noun: ferret, marten, weasel, stoat, mustelid
from "war dancer" in reference to the weasel war dance.
noun: battleaxe, greataxe, any large axe
from "warhawk"
noun: war chief
from: war-manner
adjective: aware, perceptive, vigilant
from "woke" in the internet slang sense.
adverb: perceptively, vigilantly
noun: boogie man, monster
from: whoosh-creeper
noun: coyote, wild dog (various)
from: yapper
noun: sulphur
from "yellow rock"
none: expression: over (used on the walkie-talkie/radio)
from: do you hear me
noun: yesterday
from: yesterday-one
noun: year
from: year round/year
pronoun: (second person plural) you all, y'all
from: you-all
noun: years old
from: year-old
noun: apprentice, student, protege
from: young blood
noun: knit, weave, crochet
adjective: yearning for, dreaming for, desirous for (use gon; for yearning to, use na)
from: yearning/yawning
adjective: fresh
from: young
noun: child; esp. one's own child
from: young-one
noun: hero
from: ?-slayer
phrase: I swear, I avow
from: yo
pronoun: yourselves
from: yo + as
pronoun: (second person singular) you
from: you
adjective: adverb: well, well-made, according to plan, on schedule
from: beautiful
noun: cart, wagon
from "U-haul"
adjective: strong
from: huge
proper noun: Broadleaf
from: huge-leather
proper noun: people of Broadleaf
from: huge-leather-crew
noun: strong one
from: huge-one
pronoun: you and I, you and me
from: you-me
noun: someone who is bisexual
noun: wedding
from: union
noun: wedding, marriage
from: union
adverb: futilely, uselessly, vainly
from "uselessly"
pronoun: yourself
from: yu +as
verb: charge, rush (generally intransitive)
from: zerg
verb: rush, ambush (generally transitive)
from: zerg
verb: strike or attack as a group, ambush
from: Zerg around
noun: wild, wanton warrior, nut, crazy-in-a-good-way person (generally positive)
from: berserker
noun: traitor, spy, snake, one who takes gossip and sells it for money (or the in-universe equivalent, e.g. leverage, supplies, asylum, etc.)
from: Zuckerberg
noun: territory, region, area
from "zone"